Sunday 18 November 2012

So many books, so little time!...

...That’s what I said the other day while I was checking out the stash of books I found in my mom’s attic – books I thought were included in the already huge stash I have in her basement. Whoa, I have so many books. My goal of reading every book ever written is not going so well lately. I’ve been preoccupied – with travel, with moving, with negative thoughts and emotions that take over my brain, not letting me focus on anything let alone reading a friggin book! Ugh. Drama.

Well, I’m working on getting over that. Although, as I mentioned, I am having a hard time focusing, I think that if I was able to focus on a book it could help me take my mind off of other things. So. I need a book that will capture me and preoccupy my mind. And then I need to get back to blogging.

As you may know, this blog is not for critical review (except when I said the Twilight books sucked), but is instead for me to relate books to myself and my experiences and feelings, etc. Well right now I am feeling a bit melancholy (not heartbroken and devastated like the last time I mentioned that on this blog – oh my god that was tragic; this time it's just more of an impending feeling of loss and static-ness). I need something to cheer me up and occupy my mind. Does anyone have any suggestions? Until I hear any ideas, I may go with my old favourite A Confederacy of Dunces. This book can always make me smile. Or Candide, since I wrote that “‘Everything is not so bad’ when you have a good book”. Well, let’s see what I can do...

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