Tuesday 31 July 2012

Confusion, Zombies, Life

I highly recommend this book.

I really don't want to write much about it, to be honest. I really, really liked it. It was entertaining, compelling, nerve-wracking, humorous, and sad. I think especially for me, it was a bit sad to read. The main character reminds me very much of someone I know who I unfortunately cannot have in my life for self-preservation reasons. This is not really the point I am trying to make; I guess I just wanted to point out why it was a bit compelling for me and intriguing I guess. Can you tell I feel a bit confused about it?
Personal drama aside, it is making me think about this situation...do you ever find a character who so reminds you of someone you know that you feel like you are getting some insight into who the real person in your life actually is? It's funny. In my case, this person cannot be more of an enigma to me. I felt while I was reading this character that I was learning more about my person. But I wonder if that is true. I wonder if this character really is like him, or if it's just that I'm at such a loss for clues as to why he (my person) behaves the way he does/what his issues are that I'm grasping at straws here. I found some similarities so I am comparing and projecting the whole character.
Or maybe you find a character that reminds you of yourself or who you want to be. I haven't found one yet to model myself on. I quite like myself. I rather think characters should be modeled on me. Two of my best friends are always telling me to write my memoirs...
Anyway, this post seems more like a journal entry, but as with all the other posts on this book blog, it's all about how the books make me feel:)

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