Friday 24 February 2012

Sci Fi Reblog

I don’t usually do posts like this here – reblogging stuff from other sites – but since I did it last time too, maybe I’ll start doing it more often as a trend. Only when something is really cool though. This time I am reblogging (NPR is cool and NPR Books rocks my world, especially that three books series

Anyway...I thought this particular blog was worth sharing, a) because maybe you have never heard of NPR books, and b) because it makes me think about how my taste in books has changed over time. At this moment, I think this NPR books blog post is really cool. And I want to read a lot of those books listed. But as a young reader (I’d say even into my early adulthood), I was never into science fiction. Granted I did like Stephen King, and I would consider some of his writing to be science fiction (actually I think most of his books I’ve read can be considered science fiction while maybe belonging to other genres as well). But I was never into ‘mainstream’ science fiction or science fiction as a genre. (As an aside I would just like to note that I actually really hate classifying things into genres!! If you're wondering why, take for instance one guy I met online...he stopped talking to me when I disagreed with his definition of what the ‘genre’ of folk music actually is!! While I HATE genres, apparently I LOVE parentheses – I’ll try to reel them in from now on, promise.)

I am glad that my tastes have expanded over time and that I now love science fiction in addition to many of the other ‘genres’ that are out there. I’ll hopefully get to a lot of these books soon, but one I am really interested in is Little Brother. It seems like a right dystopia there. Take a pick from this science fiction list and see what inspires you.

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