Monday 8 August 2011

What is the point of this blog?

So you may be asking what exactly is the point of this blog? I don't really know... I guess it is just because I really wish that I could read every book that has been written ever, and that someone would pay me to do this. Of course, achieving both of these goals are highly unlikely. So instead I am just going to read what I can and talk about it here. I don't want to review books, but just make connections with books. Write what these books make me think about, what they remind me of - people, places, experiences I've had - and maybe talk about whether or not I like the books. I will probably go off on a tangent most of the time, but hopefully you'll follow me and tell me your own thoughts or what these things remind you of as well.
Also, you can suggest books for me to read and talk about.


  1. Last night in bed I was reading Points Unknown, The Greatest Adventure Writing of the 20th Century. I was reading a chapter from Thomas F. Hornbein's book From Everest: The West Ridge. It's about 2 Americans in 1963 who traversed Everest. Hornbein was one of them. Very exciting... I became part of the expedition:) Very cool when that happens!

  2. This afternoon I was reading the Maine Island Trail Association 2011 Guidebook. It has a nice section called Leave No Trace on Maine's Islands - A Guide to Low Impact Practices, which uses the principles developed by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.
    Paddling in Maine is sO awesome! I need to get my butt back up there. Sure would love to paddle in Scotland as well:)

  3. Your second comment gave me some ideas for posts/discussions. I'd like to write about adventure writing for sure, probably leading off onto a tangent about how Jon Krakauer is so judgemental... And another topic on books that really can transport you to the place or make you feel like the characters are real, etc.

  4. Remember the movie The Never Ending Story? :)
