Wednesday 10 August 2011

What books have helped you become the person you are today?

I just read a post on Facebook from NPR books about Michele Bachmann (gasp!) and what books and beliefs shaped her. My post isn't really about that because I really don't want to get into political or religious arguments here. But rather, my post is just to ask what books have shaped you? And why/how?
It's hard for me to think right away what books have affected me and how. I've always read so much from early on and mostly it's just for fun. Sometimes I even just space out while I'm reading and don't even remember what I read shortly after reading it. But there are a couple books I guess have helped me develop into the person I am - or maybe more like they helped shape what I wanted and strived for in life. These are, first, On the Road and, second, Desolation Angels - both by Jack Kerouac.

This is because I always wanted to travel and 'get away' from where I had spent my life up until the time I read On the Road as a freshman in college. Desolation Angels just kept that fire burning. Sure, these books aren't the best and they definitely aren't my favorite books ever (a topic for a later date), but they are pretty darn good and definitely helped fuel my travel desires and got me moving.

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