Tuesday 16 August 2011

Why Travel?

 This is the book that I was reading when I started this blog. One line that caught my attention was on p.123. It says, "Of course world travel isn't as good as it seems, it's only after you've come back from all the heat and horror that you forget to get bugged and remember the weird scenes you saw." Hmmm.....I really don't agree with this at all. First of all, it seems like he doesn't like traveling, like maybe he's only doing it to write about it. Second of all, I don't understand what he means 'forget to get bugged'. Anyway.....

Why don't I agree? Because I think world travel is as good as it seems. Yeah I guess you can be miserable sometimes while you're traveling if it is hot and horrible. But then, if heat and horror aren't for you, go somewhere that is for you. Duh. Traveling is the best. I wish I could go everywhere and see everything the world has to offer. That is another blog I would love to write if only I had the funds to go everywhere and see everything I want. (If anyone wants to fund me on such an adventure, I would gladly take you up on the offer.) But still, I have been really lucky to travel as much as I have so far. I say so far because I plan to keep traveling when and where possible...just gotta get out of debt first. Even before I moved to Scotland, giving me closer access to the rest of the world, I was lucky enough to travel to several countries (Canada, Germany, Spain, South Africa and Namibia) and I was able to travel and live extensively throughout the USA. I have traveled to many states and driven across country a few times. And I have lived in 7 different states (CT, NY, ME, TX, MA, ND, CO). Now that I live closer to continental Europe I have closer access to many of the places I do want to go. And although I haven't traveled nearly as much as I would have liked to by now, I have been to some cool places. I have traveled to Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, England, Norway and Sweden. I have seen so many cool things in these places and even when it was blazing hot and I got a horrible sunburn in Sweden, I still loved every minute of it. In fact, Sweden has been my favorite so far and I want to go back and visit more of it and live there too. You see, even when you are uncomfortable and feeling a bit miserable, you do remember how lucky you are to experience these things and see the things that you always wanted to. Unless you're traveling just to say you've traveled or so that you can write a book about it to make money (Bill Bryson), then my guess is that you'll probably enjoy yourself no matter what. And if you can't find ANYTHING on your trip to make yourself happy, then you need to give me that plane ticket and I'll write a book about it for you.

Second reason why I don't agree with Kerouac's quote on p.123: I think the opposite about 'remembering' things from my trip. As I've already established, I DO enjoy the trip while I am on it. But when I come back home from my trips, it is right back to reality. I guess Kerouac would remember his trip more when he came back because he had to write about it. But for me, although I do of course remember my trips after returning home, I have other things to do and think about and I can no longer wallow in that moment as I wish to do. On my most recent trip to Norway and Sweden, I was traveling for a week. In that week I was almost removed from my own reality. Of course I was in the real world and even had contact with friends and did realistic things. But I did not have one stressful experience relating to work. I was able to do the things I wanted and enjoy them. I didn't have to worry about going into work or paying my bills - I was removed from that reality for the time being - what traveling and taking holidays is all about for me. Which is why I want to travel all the time! So who's gonna pay me to do it?

Wednesday 10 August 2011

What books have helped you become the person you are today?

I just read a post on Facebook from NPR books about Michele Bachmann (gasp!) and what books and beliefs shaped her. My post isn't really about that because I really don't want to get into political or religious arguments here. But rather, my post is just to ask what books have shaped you? And why/how?
It's hard for me to think right away what books have affected me and how. I've always read so much from early on and mostly it's just for fun. Sometimes I even just space out while I'm reading and don't even remember what I read shortly after reading it. But there are a couple books I guess have helped me develop into the person I am - or maybe more like they helped shape what I wanted and strived for in life. These are, first, On the Road and, second, Desolation Angels - both by Jack Kerouac.

This is because I always wanted to travel and 'get away' from where I had spent my life up until the time I read On the Road as a freshman in college. Desolation Angels just kept that fire burning. Sure, these books aren't the best and they definitely aren't my favorite books ever (a topic for a later date), but they are pretty darn good and definitely helped fuel my travel desires and got me moving.

Monday 8 August 2011

What is the point of this blog?

So you may be asking what exactly is the point of this blog? I don't really know... I guess it is just because I really wish that I could read every book that has been written ever, and that someone would pay me to do this. Of course, achieving both of these goals are highly unlikely. So instead I am just going to read what I can and talk about it here. I don't want to review books, but just make connections with books. Write what these books make me think about, what they remind me of - people, places, experiences I've had - and maybe talk about whether or not I like the books. I will probably go off on a tangent most of the time, but hopefully you'll follow me and tell me your own thoughts or what these things remind you of as well.
Also, you can suggest books for me to read and talk about.