Monday 31 October 2011

So, getting into the Halloween spirit, I recently started reading Frankenstein. I thought that I hadn’t read it before, but two or three pages in, I realised that I had in fact already read this book. Since I totally forgot about this fact, and because I didn’t realise on the first page that I had read it, I came to the conclusion that this must not be a very good book. Well, I have just finished Volume 2 and I can say that it is pretty much a fairly lame and not entirely entertaining book. However, it’s not all bad, as I am going to finish it. 

Some things have struck me during my reading, though. In the opening ‘letters’ section, it became evident to me how irritating it would have been to live in the 1800s, when the book was first published. The writing depicted in the letters is excruciating. How proper and boring, even when addressing a sibling. God, I would have just screamed and invented a time machine to get to at least the 90s. And the people in the period are depicted as wusses. The slightest fright causes them to come over with a terrible fever, bed-ridding them for what seems like months. Man, I just wanna smack Frankenstein and say ‘Snap out of it, moron.’ Ugh!
Although I am now into Volume 3,  I still haven’t finished reading this book yet (this time) but I wanted to get the post out for Halloween... I still am not really impressed by the book. In general, it is a good enough story. It has a good idea and – if you like this sort of thing – you can take lessons about humanity, etc from it. I personally prefer not to do that sort of thing. I just like to read a book and if I do notice it touches on society and junk like that, I tend to ignore it. My major qualm with this book is that it is not graphic enough. It leaves too much to the imagination. Maybe it is due to the fact that it is not the 1800s anymore, but where are my graphic details about HOW the monster was made!? There is no description about the techniques used to create the monster, nor (as of yet) how it was ever brought to life. It borders on extremely boring. Happy Halloween! 


  1. Great post Jill. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this book. As I remember, The Shining was a good read. 'Salems Lot was a good one too. I need to find a good spooky book to read, it's been a long time since I read one.

  2. Yeah the book 'the shining' was better than the movie too. remember the simpsons parody? no tv and no beer make homer something something...go crazy?.... dont mind of i do!!!.....:P
