Tuesday 12 March 2013

Dedicated To My Dad

This has been long overdue. A while back my dad said he was going to read The Shining. I asked him if I read it as well if he would do a blog about it with me when we were both finished. He was going to do it but he was afraid it wouldn’t be good enough. I imagine it would’ve been awesome. My dad was a funny dude. He died in December, so we never got to do our blog together. But he did get to write one thing. His last facebook post was “REDRUM”. :P Love that guy. 

I recently read A Monster Calls. This book made me cry like a baby at the end. That is something Patrick Ness seems to do very well. No other author has ever made me cry. This book reminded me of my dad in a way. Not because I felt like the main character felt about his mom dying and his reaction to it, but just because my dad had recently died and I don’t want him to be dead. It wasn’t really the same situation but it reminded me of my dad and my sorrow over his death and all that. I sure do miss him.