Monday 16 January 2012

On the Road, Bro

This blog seems to love Jack Kerouac, eh? Well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share with you this tumblr blog:
Incredible. Love it. This guy has also got a book deal for this!? That is cool.

Monday 9 January 2012

Vampires and stuff

This blog entry is all about Twilight and New Moon, the first two books of the Twilight series. First of all a disclaimer: I had never ever thought I would EVER in my life read any of the Twilight books. However, back a few years ago, my cousin Cali tried to convince me to read these books, claiming they are soooo good. I got the same suggestion from her mom, my cousin Jenna. Well, back then I really had NO interest whatsoever. But for some reason, recently, I was overcome with the desire to read these books. ‘For some reason’....I still am unsure what that reason was...maybe boredom, maybe the desire to read something that wouldn’t take a lot of effort...who knows? Certainly not me.

I really really did not like Twilight. Still, for some reason, I was compelled to read the next in the series. New Moon was a bit better, but all in all I would say not good. These books make me feel so angry. The main character, Bella, is so irritating! She is madly in love with Edward, the vampire who is obviously a paedophile. She has absolutely no life and once she meets Edward, she becomes obsessed with him. That is all she cares about in life and when Edward leaves her, she totally shuts down. To be honest, I know that many people are like this in real life, so fair enough that Stephanie Meyer, the books’ author, writes like this. Still, though, it irritates me to no end. I want characters who serve as role models to young girls, in a sense, to be strong and set good examples. And Bella hardly does that. It is like Meyer is saying to young girls that this type of behaviour and pining desperately over someone is okay.

This video says it all, and it’s extremely funny:

Even though I have not really enjoyed these books and they sort of actually piss me off, I still feel compelled to read the rest of the series. Good lord.