Monday 12 September 2011

Don't Look Away From My Blog, Or Else...

So...I haven’t written a book blog here in a while but with good reason... I had company two weeks in a row, moved house and went away to a 5 day music festival. It was all very good and exciting, but having returned from the festival one week ago today, I spent the week recovering (I am exhausted still!) and trying to unpack everything (still not done, no surprise there). I have been thinking about various things to write about and have some good ideas. But the first thing I am going to write about since I haven’t written in so long relates to something I saw today.

On my way home from the gym tonight, I saw a girl reading a book. This might not be such a big deal, but I should say that it was raining a bit and it was very windy from these hurricane induced winds AND she was walking. This must have been a very good book.  Or she just took the name of the book too literally... ready for the punch line? The book was called Never Look Away.

 I never heard of this book before, so I just now googled it to find out more. It is a thriller and does sound exciting enough as thrillers go. (I should also note that I don’t normally read thrillers. The only one I have recently, and possibly ever, read was Shutter Island because I wondered if the book was just like the movie; it mostly is.)
Anyway, my point is that (funny joke about how this woman couldn’t look away from the book aside) the woman reading it was obviously wrapped up in this book enough so that walking thru some very unpleasant weather couldn’t stop her from reading. This leads to one of the topics that I wanted to write about: Books that totally engross you. Leading to a closely related topic: Books that let you escape reality. What books have you read that get you so wrapped up you don’t want to stop reading? Also, what books have you read that allow you to escape from reality and transport you to another place and/or time? Think about it. These could be the same books, I suppose. Oftentimes if a book has you totally engrossed it is because it has the power to transport you out of your reality. But that is not always the case. For length sake, I am going to write about these two topics together in another blog entry, because this entry is long enough already and I don’t want to bore you too much. Stay tuned.